Corporate Trendsetters…. Where Professional Development
Meets Giving Back to the Community
on: November 5, 2008, 5:06 am
Release Author: Corporate
Release Summary: People smarts can make or break productivity.
Utilize Corporate Training that pays off. “People Smarts”
is critical for the success of our future Leaders!

Release Body: Picture this. The corporate culture is “Do
more with less.” You are overwhelmed due to the additional
workload. Morale is down. You receive an invitation to yet another
team building program, and you think, “I know how to collaborate.
I have too much work to attend another team building event.”
Your boss notes in the invitation, “We need to work better
together. Synergy drives results.” You arrive at the team
building event, known as “bicycle building.” Everyone
breaks into groups and collaborates to build 10 bicycles. You
realize the advantage of interacting with your colleagues in a
relaxed environment, a much needed break from the daily grind.
Then just as the program is wrapping up, 10 less fortunate children
from the community come running in, to receive their first bicycles
ever. At first you could hear a pin drop. Then everyone cheered.
Some even had a tear in their eye. All of a sudden, the whole
meaning of team building changed from “Yeah, I know how
to collaborate” to “WOW… We really made a difference
in these children’s lives.” At the same time, the
Executives collaborated for a more productive work environment.
Feeling part of a bigger purpose is one of the secrets to Employee
engagement. Participants were pleased to see the "fruits
of their labor" and see the big picture as a whole. If Employees
are continually shown the big picture/purpose of their workload,
they feel appreciated, engaged, and loyal. The 2007 Global Workforce
Study found that 1 in 5 workers today is engaged, so how do we
educate tomorrow’s leaders to increase these engagement
levels? Most Leaders’ #1 priority is results. Have they
tried implementing a balanced approach of results and people?
Now more than ever, having “People Smarts” is critical
for the success of our future Leaders.
sign up for a team building workshop, please call 1-866-923-4692,
or peruse one of the 50 professional development course descriptions
Details: Corporate Trend Setters
140 West 69th St. Suite #77B
New York, NY 10023
ex 200
Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders Today