– Frankfurt Celebrates the Forest Day Between 11 and 14 June 2011



Released on: May 05, 2011, 9:56 am
Author: Lek Boonlert
Industry: Entertainment reports that residents in Frankfurt will be celebrating their beloved city in June by taking a trip to the forest.

Wäldchestag or Forest Day falls every year on the first Tuesday following Whitsun and is one of the main festivals of the city. It’s often jokingly referred to as Frankfurt’s National Day as the whole city seems to take time off from work, leaving the offices by noon to enjoy the woodlands and the many attractions that are set up for the festival.

Visitors can expect to see all sorts of fairground rides from big wheels and merry go-rounds to various stands offering cuddly toys for people willing to try their luck at the games. The festival offers plenty for foodies too with an abundance of stalls selling all kinds of delicious food and there’s plenty of beer to go with it as well.

A particularly good drink to try is also the apple wine, famous in Frankfurt, and any first timers should just ask for an ‘ebbelwoi’.

The festival will last for four days from 11th to 14th June 2011 and as a public holiday in the city demand for a hotel Frankfurt will be much greater as more people come to join in with the festivities.

Lek Boonlert, marketing head at commented: “Forest Day is a busy time for hotels which are limited on the number of vacancies they have. People looking to take part and needing accommodation would be wise to check for rooms online.”


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For further information please contact Lek Boonlert:

Tel: + 66 (0)76 241 145