Asian (FTG) Futures Trading Group Research Department Releases the Global Industrial Automation Report

Released on: April 11, 2014, 8:12 am (EDT)
Industry: Financial

Asian (FTG) Futures Trading Group ( announces the addition of a new market research report to their customers.

HONG KONG, -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- The Dictionary defines automation as the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically. Virtually all industries are now using some or the other sort of automation processes in order to increase the overall output and also reduce labor costs. Industrial automation, meanwhile, makes use of robotic devices to complete manufacturing tasks. Industrial automation has a very important role to play in the manufacturing industry. Some of the advantages of industrial automation include stricter quality control, higher waste reduction, and increased integration with business systems, amongst others.

In recent years, China has emerged as a major force in the industrial automation industry, with most automation companies having direct exposure to the Chinese markets. Most automation companies now have a major presence in China. For example, according to Asian (FTG) Futures Trading Group (, China accounts for more than almost 50% of all its CPU/PLC units sold worldwide. Asian Futures Trading Group Research analyzes the Global Industrial Automation Industry in its latest research offering.

The report includes the following:

•  An introduction to automation and industrial automation through definitions and a look at the benefits of industrial automation;

•  A thorough analysis of the global industrial automation industry makes up a significant chunk of this report.

•  An analysis of discrete automation is followed by an in-depth analysis of the importance of China to the global automation industry.

•  An analysis of major end user markets in which industrial automation processes are utilized follows. We analyze nine major sectors such as Aerospace & Defense, Automobile, Chemicals, consumer, mining, oil & gas, amongst others.

About Asian Futures Trading Group
Asian FTG ( is an independent commodities and futures advisory firm located in Hong Kong. Asian Futures Trading Group offers the latest in order entry technology coupled with 24-hour execution and clearing on exchanges worldwide. Clearing more than 100,000 client accounts, the firm provides a full range of services to the industry's largest global network of introducing brokers (IBs) and to commercial, institutional, international and individual clients. These include more than 200 IBs and many of the world's largest financial, industrial and agricultural institutions. We do not engage in proprietary trading; all of our business focuses on our valued clients.

Asian FTG Asian Futures Trading Group - has been established in July 2003 by a team of financial professionals and IT/Technology experts. Starting with August 2013 Asian FTG has lunched the new website, The new website was launched in order to keep close to our clients and be up to date with the latest developments in the industry.


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