Iranian Diplomats Harass Author Over Book

Released on: January 18, 2010, 5:36 am
Author: Jordan Sage
Industry: Entertainment

Iranian diplomats harass author. Just after author Jordan Sage exposed elements of an anti-Muslim operation that also targeted Muslims on U.S. soil as well as targeting Iranian officials and nuclear facilities, diplomatic staff from the Iranian Embassy have been harassing the author with anti-Semitic emails, faxes, and telephone calls.

Rancho Cucamonga, California 17 Jan 2010—as a team of American control remote viewers was deployed in China to spy on the DPRK’S weapons of mass destruction programs to include the tracking of high-ranking North Korean personnel dealing with the Iranian government, it became clear that both the Iranian President and the North Korean President were being targeted for a possible U.S. – sponsored assassination while Mosques, and Muslim owned businesses and assets were under suspicion too. Operation Caution Dream was a top tier covert operation that was active from 2006-2009. What originally started out as Project Caution Dream which involved a series of double blind tests to screen personnel for C.R.V. skills, became a full blown operation that left an American dead in China. The deceased operative had updated information on a missing former F.B.I. special agent known as Robert Levinson that was last seen alive in Iran on or about March 9th 2007 after leaving the FBI some ten years earlier to work for a private investigation firm.

Operation Caution Dream is a book that takes the reader behind the scenes of daily life in China while being involved with U.S. government contractor scenarios whereby the U.S. government lead a team of C.R.V. experts to believe that they were being used for a specific set of circumstances while in fact, they were being used for an entirely different objective which in the end, violated American civil rights, international laws, got people killed, and despite smoking gun evidence, allowed terrorists to escape unscathed. What exactly is the agenda of the U.S. government and the war on terror? This book is a real wake up call for Americans and the Nation of Islam as they are being
targeted daily by the U.S. government.

“We were all initially told that we were being hired to deal with the ongoing problems in the DPRK and that part of our mission objective would involve spying on Iran since the DPRK and Iran were working together with nuclear materials. Everyone on the team was fully on board in that the DPRK was thought to be the boogie man. In short order the Nation of Islam and Muslim people became the boogie man. It became clear to all of us that the likely intent of the U.S. government with regard to Operation Caution Dream was a bait and switch tactic in order for the U.S. government to identify, test, acquire, and utilize our unique and highly specialized talents, in order to target Muslims and to destroy the Nation of Islam. It should be no surprise that U.S. personnel allowed Chinese Communist Party members access to the Ulgers being held at the Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq and again at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba knowing full well that they could be tortured because China and the USA both want to get rid of Muslims in as much as possible and when Communists and Capitalists start working together to destroy a segment of society based on religious beliefs, that constitutes one whale of a problem for mankind. I will also remind you that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi completely changed their attitudes, opinions, and tones toward China after President Obama took office. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for example went so far as to blatantly ignore human rights while she visited China and was begging the Communist Party for money.” – Jordan Sage

“The amateurs of the Iranian diplomatic corps apparently have nothing better to do lately and I am quite certain that their antics and ongoing harassment fall well outside of the scope of their diplomatic purview. If those clowns read my book at all they would know that I was not involved with the anti-Muslim functions that were later associated with Operation Caution Dream.” – Jordan Sage


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Operation Caution Dream is available at and through Digital Media Platform called Kindle.

Book Statistics
ISBN: 1449983502
Suggested Retail Price
US $20.00
Size and Format: 10 x 8 x 0.5 inches Paperback
Page Count: 228
Genre: Memoirs / Supernatural

About the Author: Jordan Sage is 46 years old and he lives with his wife and son. He wrote 10 books during 2009.

Author Contact:

Jordan Sage
Skype: jordan.sage