1 800-GET-THIN Says New “Whistle Blower” Lawsuit A Fantasy And Sham

Released on: June 12, 2012, 6:38 am
Industry: Healthcare

E-MAILS from former employee of San Diego Surgery Center show accusations against center are false

-- /EPR NETWORK/ -- 1 800 GET THIN has called a lawsuit filed against it a fantasy and lacking in credibility. The lawsuit, Meyle v. 1 800 GET THIN, was filed in LA Superior Court (BC486169) on Thursday, and charges that San Diego Ambulatory Surgery Center failed to properly sterilize its instruments on December 30 and 31 of 2011. However, Konrad Trope, the attorney for the surgery enter, said that Jessica Meyle, the plaintiff, sent an email on January 5, 2012 which acknowledged the instruments were, in fact, properly sterilized. The email from Jessica Meyle said: “...it [the sterilizer] passed!!!!:):):) Mejid is looking at the autoclave now. He says the problem may have been that we removed the Bowie Dicks too quickly. He recommends to crack the door & leave the tests in the autoclave for 20 minutes. Thank you, Jessica”.

Trope stated “this email conclusively proves that the plaintiffs filed a false claim with the court knowing full well that the sterilizer worked.” Trope added that “it is improper that the plaintiffs' attorneys Alexander Robertson and John Walker filed this lawsuit without doing an appropriate investigation of this false allegation as required by law.”

Trope further stated that “the plaintiffs and their attorneys are looking for a fast buck with false allegations.”

1 800 GET THIN is a marketing firm and does not perform medical procedures. The plaintiffs' attorneys Robertson and Walker recently dismissed 1 800 GET THIN from their prior “whistleblower” lawsuit. 1 800 GET THIN will challenge this lawsuit as well. Trope added that "the plaintiffs and their attorneys have gone ahead and filed false claims which will inevitably result in their suit being dismissed with the strong likelihood that they will face a lawsuit for malicious prosecution.”

Trope has challenged the plaintiffs to explain the contradiction between their claims, the emails, and the written records. The record of quality medical care and safety in San Diego Ambulatory Surgery Center is excellent.

Trope says he is deeply concerned about Jessica Meyle’s criminal history and credibility. “She has a conviction for Retail Theft in Pennsylvania in the case of Commonwealth v. Jessica Gordon (her maiden name), in case number CP-23-CR-0007812-2006.”

Contact Details: Contact: Konrad Trope (888) 942-9997
Centurion Law Group