July 30, 2013, 4:04 pm -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Lamp Post Electrical are pleased to supply electrical fitting of every shape and requirement for the electrical market place but it is particularly pleased to be able to supply the Nexus range of stainless steel switches and sockets for the household and commercial building electrical supply fittings. Stainless steel has many advantages over other materials and the Nexus range has given Lamp Post Electrical one of the best looking as well as one of the highest quality ranges of electrical fittings on the market today. The electrical engineer can be very happy to work with this range as it produces an excellent finish wherever it is used and they can be assured that the electrical integrity of the usage will be the typical top quality product produced by the Nexus range. The Nexus range of electrical switches and sockets are produced by BG which is one of the best United Kingdom manufacturers of electrical goods in the World with a history that goes back a long way. It is this vast experience that has produced such a fine range of electrical equipment for installation on a new build or a rewire of an existing building.
Lamp Post Electrical is also pleased to note the stainless steel range of Nexus electrical switches and sockets comes under the decorative range of electrical equipment and that this statement alone shows a change that has occurred over the past few years in the field of electrical fittings. The change to decorative fittings has come about with the ability to make metal clad switches and sockets securely and safely without any fear of electrocution or electrical shock. Up until this time the amount of decorative switches and sockets in comparison to the standard safety insulated switch or socket was very small, but now there is a vast array of electrical decorative fittings and there are very many more options open to the end user. Invariably in time gone by the only times electrical switches were changed was on a rewire operation but now Lamp Post Electrical notes that it is quite usual for a change of all electrical switches and sockets to be made throughout the building on a purely decorative or design change in the appearance of the building. This is driven heavily by interior design magazines and TV.
Lamp Post Electrical is delighted with the appearance of the Nexus Stainless Steel range of equipment, which has a sleek finish with a very slim stainless cover with rounded corners. All switches are of the typical metal faced, insulated rocker design but the rocker is a gently curved design, which looks good and operates efficiently and provides no opportunity of any ligature. The advantage of this range is that it can be used in a residential or commercial operation and will look equally good in both. Lamp Post Electrical - http://www.lamppostelectrical.co.uk - is pleased to note that at the present time the price of this range of electrical fittings is very low and the prices for a complete change of electrical switches and sockets throughout a property is quite affordable.
Contact Details:
The Lamp Post Electrical Supplies Ltd,
The Old Foundry,
Broad Oak Road,
Kent, CT2 7PX
Tel: 0845 658 8441
Web: http://www.lamppostelectrical.co.uk